It is important that engineers are acquainted with fundamental tools and strategies for designing and building such networks. Minimal state space models, on-line estimation schemes, parameter convergence for SISO and MIMO systems, direct and indirect adaptive prediction, minimum prediction error controllers (one-step ahead and model reference control), minimum prediction error adaptive controllers (direct and indirect approach), adaptive control algorithms for close-loop pole assignment, Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter. Programming concepts for DSP processors such as addressing, instruction set, execution control, pipelining, parallel processing and peripherals are discussed. In addition to providing students with necessary mathematical knowledge for their future course study and research projects, students will be required to program in MATLAB and/or other languages to gain and improve programming ability. (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Rackham or Graduate or Doctorate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE618 Advanced Grid Protection 3 Credit Hours. The course will focus on vehicular communications and networking, autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation systems, robotics networks, and smart grids. Cloud computing represents the emerging Internet-based services/platforms with elastic and scalable computation powers operating at costs associated with service. If you wish to design, invent and improve devices that enhance life for the individual, as well as help solve society's problems, EE is a great place for you. Course includes lectures and case studies. Introduction to interactive techniques in PR. Articulated body dynamics, contact modeling, and contact dynamics will be presented first. . "Automotive engineering is one of the most technologically interesting . The course has three lecture hours per week. The course covers important technologies relevant to intelligent vehicle systems including systems architecture, in-vehicle electronic sensors, traffic modeling and simulation. Three lecture hours per week. This course will cover the software and hardware widely used in the rapid prototyping, including Stereolithography (SLA) and virtual reality software and hardware used for rapid prototyping. Students will become familiar with the mathematical tools needed for digital signal processing such as the Fourier transform, frequency response, the sampling theorem, and z-transform method. Three lecture hours per week. The course will develop fundamental understandings for the behavior of these devices. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Road Room 2050 IAVS, Dearborn, MI 48128-2406 Tel: 313-593-5420 E-mail:, ECE500 Math Mthds for Elec & Comp Eng 3 Credit Hours. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE695 Master's Project 3 Credit Hours. Students will be exposed to a broad range of topics including optimal power flow, Smart Grid technology, economic dispatch, unit commitment, and the impact of renewable energy on power and management systems. This course provides a systematic study of robotics, covering various topics in kinematics, dynamics, control, and planning for robot systems. The student will learn how to mathematically pose the machine learning problems of function approximation/supervised learning, associative memory and self-organization, and analytically derive some well-known learning rules, including backprop. Final Day to Submit Summer 2023 Graduate Degree Application: April 19. This course will also discuss some specific topics in robotics research, including robot manipulators, mobile and walking robots, and robot hands, in which we will see how the above principles and methods are being used together. (Tag: Tools). Students will learn about electrical and computer engineering design, computer systems, and computer networking. Additional cognate options may be approved by the ECE department. Case studies and applications. Students may complete the professional elective requirements in several ways: Students are required to select 6 credit hours of graduate-level courses from other non-ECE engineering disciplines, such as: Students may also select any 500-level course from the mathematics & statistics department (MATH, STAT), excluding math subject courses for educators (MATH 508, 5386, 5387, 543, 544, 5440, 5441, 5442, 5443, 5445, 545, 546, 549, 586, 591). Topics relevant to the design and analysis of VLSI circuits are investigated. A final research course project is required. The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, issues, solutions, and state-of-the-art research and best practices pertaining to the cyber-security of the modern power grids, also known as "smart power grids". Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Information Sys Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Engineering Management, ECE581 Arch for Digital Signal Proc 3 Credit Hours. Topics include cyberspaces, techniques for generating virtual worlds in engineering applications, building blocks of virtual environments including hardware and software. ECE798 Doctoral Seminar 0 Credit Hours, After attaining candidacy, every Ph.D. student is required to attend and actively participate in research seminars given by CECS Deans office or individual departments in CECS. Various solution approaches will be covered including statistical methods and neural network-based methods. Representative topics are sensors and image formation, advanced algorithms in object feature filtering, extraction and recognition, texture and colors, motion, 3D vision, and applications. Standard software engineering documents must be prepared and approved at each phase of the project, and an oral presentation of the project is required. Students with inadequate background in Electrical/Computer Engineering may be required to meet with the department graduate advisor to determine the need for preparatory courses. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in order to be eligible to receive the MSE (EE) degree. Classification of electromagnetic environments will also be discussed. In addition to U-M, universities involved in the scholars program include Michigan State University and Michigan Technological University. ECE528 Cloud Computing 3 Credit Hours. Please be aware that CECS does not allow for course waivers. It will provide threat modeling and risk assessment methods employed when developing security solutions for active and passive sensors. Integrated smart sensors and actuators. Case Studies will be presented to illustrate a variety of applications. Are you Xuan Zhou? U-M Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering. Three lecture hours per week. Mathematical models of physical instruments will be introduced. Please check with the ECE Department prior to registering. aerospace, maritime, vehicular, industrial) as an enabler of flexible and robust system design. ECE519 Adv Topics in EMC 3 Credit Hours. Study of automotive sensory requirements; types of sensors; available sensors and future needs. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE5001 Analytic and Comp Math 3 Credit Hours, Full Title: Analytical and Computational Mathematics Basic concepts of digital video will be reviewed, such as resolution and compression standards. Term project. (W), ECE578 Advanced Operating Systems 3 Credit Hours. Simulating machine and process operations. Students in RE program must take this course in the first year. Concentration Courses (9 to 11 credits), Interim Chair and Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Administrative Assistant Intermediate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Student Administrative Assistant Senior, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2050 - Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building, Professional Development and Career Preparation, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Dual BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, D.Eng. This courses introduces basic components of robotic systems, selection of coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, solutions to kinematics of manipulators, velocity and force/torque relations, dynamic equations using Euler-Lagrange formulation, obstacle avoidance and motion planning, classical controllers for manipulators and controller design using torque method, and robot simulation tools. Three lecture hours per week. These are partial lists and will be expanded and updated from time to time. Vehicle power management basic concepts, vehicle propulsion system modeling, vehicle power management approaches (analytical approach, wavelet transform technology, DP&QP, and intelligent systems methods). Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in every semester. The program is a one-year pilot project led by MEDC's Talent Action Team, a public-private partnership of major Michigan employers, academic institutions and Michigan Works! ECE5462 Elec Aspects of Hybrid Vehicle 3 Credit Hours. Example topics include DC, induction, synchronous and reluctance drives; industrial and residential application of power electronics; practical aspects of design of power electronics devices including heat sink and magnetic components designs. As the complexity of the systems grows, developers will be presented with significant challenges. Channel models, signal generation and reception are explored. Part of the coursework involves a project concerning the analysis and design of a multimedia-based system. These embedded control networks differ from information technology (IT) networks in that the primary users are not humans, but sensors, actuators, and embedded processors. Orcid identifier 0000-0001-6591-8515. Advanced data communications, sensor motes, systems architecture and design, wireless communications standards and protocols, routing, security, operating systems, language support, and applications. ECE5121 Mod & Des of Electrnic Cir&Sys 3 Credit Hours. Students will get an overview of various mobile operating systems and will learn how to develop software for mobile devices. Making a world of difference. Sensing technologies including basic computer vision will be covered. EECS 351: Digital Signal Processing and Analysis. Jobs: Most of the recruiters coming to Michigan are looking for electrical engineers, and are willing to pay them among the highest salaries. Discussion of design practices used in large installation, including component segregation, cable routing, connectors, grounding, shielding, common impedance coupling, ground planes, screening and suppression. Case studies. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE541 Sustainable Energy Systems 3 Credit Hours. This course discusses advanced topics in electronics with an emphasis on vehicle applications. Three lecture hours per week. UM-Dearborn launches D.Eng. An approved course exemption does not reduce the total number of credit hours needed to satisfy program requirements. Students will learn how to mathematically pose various pattern recognition problems and analytically derive some well-known statistical results and learning rules. | Learn more . For a complete list of ECE courses please view the Course Descriptions later in this Catalog. The course will introduce the basic issues in multimedia communications and networking and is designed to give the student hands-on experience in various aspects of multimedia communications through the various assignments and projects. Discussion of large signal and small signal (ac) models, frequency effects and non-ideal models. agencies across the state. Three lecture hours per week. (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE502 Electromag Theory & Simul 3 Credit Hours. Three lecture hours per week. The Master of Science in Human-Centered Design and Engineering requires a minimum of 31 graduate credit hours. Robotic systems other than manipulators will be introduced at the end of this course. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ECE5422 Grid Protection 3 Credit Hours. Complete ECE 505 and ECE 510 as directed by the ECE Department if undergraduate degree is not in Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering disciplines. Reliability & Fault Tolerance. The course is designed to provide introductory coverage of data analytics and machine learning with the major applications in power engineering. Grades below B- are not counted and no more than two B-s are allowed. This course will cover fundamental concepts of information engineering, including theoretical concepts of how information is measured and transmitted, how information is structured and stored, how information can be compressed and decompressed, and information networks such as social networks, affiliation networks and online networks, mathematical theories of information networks. Essential facts about the UM Dearborn BS in Electrical Engineeringprogram: Average salary of grads, cost, average debt load, and more. Integrated circuit processing, bonding and packaging. (W), ECE644 Advanced Robotics 3 Credit Hours, This course covers advanced topics related to current research in algorithms and artificial intelligence for robotics such as planning and control issues for robotic systems, taking into account the math and algorithms underneath state-of-the-art robotic systems. Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences. Advisory prerequisite: Basic understanding of power systems and machine learning. Control will include the classic PID control, position and force control, and trajectory tracking. ECE650 Info Theory in Elec Comm 3 Credit Hours. However, students may petition for course exemptions in instances where a core course in a graduate program may not be available, may no longer be offered due to program changes, or the student may have taken a course with equivalent content. Students will be expected to read research papers and complete a project with actual robots, e.g., TurtleBots. This course covers selected topics in applied mathematics useful in science and engineering fields, including: solution of linear equations, polynomial interpolation and approximation, solution of nonlinear equations, roots of polynomials, resultants, approximation by orthogonal functions (includes Fourier series), ordinary differential equations, optimization, calculus of variations, probability and stochastic processes, computational geometry, and differential geometry. Review of probability and random variables. Students are expected to have knowledge of MATLAB or C/C++ programming and will be required to accomplish a course-related project. (F), ECE 532 Auto Sensors and Actuators (F 08), ECE 533 Active Automotive Safety Systems (SS 09). Three lecture hours per week. ECE681 Adv Digital Sig Processing 3 Credit Hours. The key engineering elements include microprocessor technology, electronics, sensors and actuators, data communication and interface, control algorithms, and mechanisms of machine elements. The D.Eng. Current trends in operating system design. This university ranks 17th out of 57 schools for overall quality in the state of Michigan. Students desiring admission to the program must have earned a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Pipelining, vector processing, and array processing techniques. Review of discrete-time signals and systems, introduction of discrete-time random signals and variables, linear signal models, nonparametric power spectrum estimation, least-squares filtering and prediction, signal modeling and parametric spectral estimation, selected topics. (W). Mathematical representation of digital control systems; z-transform and difference equations; classical and state space methods of analysis and design; direct digital control of industrial processes. (F,W,S), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is or DoctorateCan enroll if Major is, ECE990 Doctoral Dissertation 1 to 9 Credit Hours, Full Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research (YR), ECE554 Embedded Systems 3 Credit Hours, Survey of real time, sampled data systems and embedded applications, e.g. Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE). architectures, real-time principles and concerns, sensor and actuator interfacing, PIO feedback ECE516 Electronic Materials & IC Proc 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to the fundamental concepts of data mining including data exploration, pre-and post-processing, OLAP, predictive modeling, association analysis, and clustering. Machine sensing and diagnostic systems. This academic equivalency allows U-M graduate engineering students to bypass taking the certification exam to become certified system engineers, a major benefit. The interactive curriculum, vast research opportunities and exceptional teaching faculty at University of Michigan, Dearborn offer students a life-altering learning experience. Students cannot receive credit for both ECE4881 and ECE588. Simulation techniques and software will be introduced. Dynamic models of sensors and actuators. Basic concepts, algorithms, and standards will be covered for systems that process digital images, vector graphics, and text. The purpose of this course is NOT to teach students how to become hackers, but rather to teach them about threat models and attack vectors for cyber-physical systems so that they can develop countermeasures to defend against threats. In terms of art and media, students will learn the basics of human perception, communication, and aesthetics. This course covers advanced topics in embedded systems in the context of modern robotics. (3 credits), and any one ECE course at the graduate level. ), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCannot enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE512 Analog Filter Design 3 Credit Hours. The course covers such topics innovative multimedia interfaces, design ethics, psychological principles, cognitive models, interaction principles, requirements analysis, project management, I/O devices, standards and styles guides, and visual design principles. A team-based term project may be required. This course will cover the basic issues in multimedia security and forensics and is designed to give the student hands-on experience in various aspects of information security and forensic analysis through the various assignments and projects. programs. ECE5770 Autonomous UAS 3 Credit Hours, This course will introduce the basic concepts of autonomous unmanned aerial systems. Introduction to modern digital computer logic. The purpose of this course is to provide students with advanced techniques for generation and control of movement of a humanoid robot itself and its motion to change the environment. This course will cover existing information hiding techniques such as digital watermarking, steganography, and fingerprinting. & Sys. Applications of PR. The BSE in Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, ECE620 Sensor Security and Data Integrity Validation 3 Credit Hours. My role was to transmit and maintain all Engineering communication to . Special topics on product testing, reliability assurance, accelerated reliability testing, product lifetime models, and automotive environments will also be addressed. The class lectures, notes, and discussions are posted on CANVAS for online students' access. Rapid prototyping requires a good quality 3D CAD system. Finally, the requirements of EDV and renewable energy application examples will be explained. The course examines modern applications of multirate digital signal processing including the design of multirate filter banks, using the wavelets transforms to efficiently encode signals for compression purposes, spectral analysis and synthesis of signals. ECE5252 MM Design Tools II 3 Credit Hours. Much of the course addresses Industrial Control Systems and smart grids. Students are expected to have knowledge of high-level programming language and will be required to accomplish a research-related course project. This course will build the skills needed to design and test the protocols, policies, and specifications for enabling technologies that will guarantee the security and integrity of the smart power grid while preserving personal privacy. With 9 top-ten engineering departments in a university with 95 top-ranked programs, we offer you thousands of opportunities to make a difference in the world. (F,W,S), ECE610 Analog I C 3 Credit Hours, ECE612 Wireless Sensor Networks 3 Credit Hours. ECE507 Intro to Multimedia Sys 3 Credit Hours. ECE569 Computer-Based Automation 3 Credit Hours. 2050 - Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building, Professional Development and Career Preparation, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Dual BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, D.Eng. View on Map. Thus, the data sets, performance requirements, operational environment, and need for reliability and robustness necessitate a different approach to network design. VLSI computer structures. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE552 Fuzzy Systems 3 Credit Hours. The course introduces concepts in protocols and architecture of high-speed and advanced networks with an emphasis on Internet, ATM networks, wireless local area networks, cellular systems and wireless sensor networks. Minimum Grade Requirement in addition to maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher every semester: 1. The basic limitations and alternatives for communications signaling are studied, using appropriate mathematical tools. Application of the methodologies, tools and theory of software engineering to produce a specific validated software product. (F). The course is intended to provide an overview of information security, CPS security, risk assessment and mitigation, network security, attack-resiliency for bulk power systems, attack surface analysis and reduction techniques, cyber-security testbeds, security standards and best practices for critical infrastructure, e.g., smart power grids. Semiconductors. Failure mechanisms and interconnect lifetime prediction. The degree-seeking graduate application for Summer 2023 will close at 11:59 PM EST on April 19. The course will cover basic devices and applications in Electromagnetic waves. Three lecture hours per week. The student will submit a report on the project and give an oral presentation to a panel of faculty members at the close of the term. Dearborn, MI 48128. Possible applications covered include speech synthesis, speech coding and speech recognition. It is a research-oriented course including a research literature survey, a final project implementing a state-of-the-art algorithm or system, and a set of hands-on assignments that cover modern tools and real-time embedded systems development frameworks such as the Robot Operating System. ECE576 Information Engineering 3 Credit Hours. A special topics course providing an in-depth examination of one or several areas in image processing and/or machine vision. Selected examples include applications such as voltage regulators and battery chargers. Review semiconductor circuit elements in detail to model devices for circuit analysis. Computer control of machines and processes. ECE591 Directed Studies 1 to 3 Credit Hours. ECE517 Adv Pwr Electrncs&Motor Drvs 3 Credit Hours. This course will introduce students to methods and technologies of computer music. Much of the course aims to cover existing sensing modalities, e.g., LIDAR, Radar, Ultrasonic, Camera, Microphone, etc. Includes symmetrical component calculations and use; protection coordination; network, radial and ringed system protection; central station and distributed generator protection; and an overview of emerging topics. Three lecture hours per week. Students are expected to earn a B or better in every graduate course to be credited toward the degree requirements, however, a maximum of two grades of B- will be accepted. Elect the thesis ECE 699 (6 credits) to work under the supervision of a faculty advisor; Take direct study by ECE 591 (3 credits), and one ECE course at the graduate level; Complete ECE 505 and ECE 510 as directed by ECE Department if undergraduate degree is not in Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering disciplines; Take two additional ECE courses at the graduate level. ECE587 Sel Top:Image Proc/Mach Vision 3 Credit Hours. The student will submit a report on the project and give an oral presentation to a panel of faculty members at the close of the term. Students will apply software tools to analyze, design and simulate multirate digital signal processing systems. Nonlinearities in control systems; phase plane analysis; isoclines, equilibrium points, limit cycles, optimum systems; heuristic methods; harmonic balance, describing function, frequency response and jump phenomena, oscillations in relay systems; state space; optimum relay controls; stability; Liapunov's method. control systems, Audio/time-series filtering (F IR and llR filters), embedded image processing, ECE565 Digital Control Systems 3 Credit Hours. Three lecture hours per week. (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Graduate or or DoctorateCan enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE545 Intro Robot Syst 3 Credit Hours, Full Title: Introduction to Robotic Systems Topics may be chosen from any of the areas of electrical engineering. Then, theoretical methods for analyzing the kinematic and dynamic properties of a mobile robot are discussed, followed by the discussion on the key subsystems of a mobile robot, including perception, localization, planning and control. Detroit, Michigan, United States. Introduction to pattern recognition (PR) as a process of data analysis. ECE5752 Reconfigurable Computing 3 Credit Hours. Students will analyze and design filters. The student will submit a report of the project and give an oral presentation to a panel of faculty members at the close of the term. Embedded specification and design techniques. (F,W,S), ECE980 Pre-Cand Dissertation Research 1 to 9 Credit Hours, Full Title: Pre-Candidate Dissertation Research Previous undergraduate or graduate coursework deemed substantially similar to MSE core courses may qualify to exempt students from those core courses. 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Students in RE program must take this course covers important technologies relevant to intelligent vehicle systems including systems,...
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